Last week, we discussed our Core Value #1, Conduct Yourself with Professionalism, Integrity, and Compassion. This week, I’d like to present our Core Value #2, Make Work A Fun Place To Be. Prior to starting my own personal training business, I had worked as a fitness professional in a chiropractic clinic, a large hospital-based fitness center, a private personal training studio, and in a couple corporate fitness facilities in downtown Chicago. In all of those places of employment, I’ve worked for and I’ve worked with many different types of people from all walks of life. With that said, it should come as no surprise that I came across bosses and coworkers who I enjoyed seeing everyday and those who I couldn’t wait for them to leave at the end of the workday. I had bosses and coworkers who would come into work already grumpy and pissed off about something which would then spread to the rest of our team. The rest of us were left to walk on egg shells in fear of setting off an outburst or rant. At one of the fitness centers I worked, one of the regular members came up to me and asked why the whole staff seemed on edge. I explained to him that the boss was in a bad mood and we were all just trying to stay out of his/her way. I thought to myself that it was pretty bad that one of our members could tell that our staff was not acting its usual happy and welcoming self. Our fitness center was supposed to be an oasis to where our members can escape from their home or work stress. They didn’t need to feel and see our anxiety as they walked in through the door.

Currently, I don’t have any additional Tenacity team members besides myself, but when I do (hopefully someday soon), I want to make sure that my team is creating a happy, fun, encouraging, and motivating atmosphere for each and every client who walks into Tenacity. No matter what problems I may be dealing with in my own life, I promise to give each client my undivided attention and give them a great exercise experience. My clients don’t need to hear me vent about my problems. They have their own problems of which to take care. If my clients don’t have fun and enjoy the atmosphere at Tenacity then Tenacity will cease to exist. That’s why I will always Make Work A Fun Place To Be!